* gnuplotで複数枚のグラフを描画する方法(multiplot) [#k9df2750]
 gnuplot> set multiplot
 multiplot> set size 1,0.5
 multiplot> set origin 0,0.5
 multiplot> set key left
 multiplot> set yrange [-10:10]
 multiplot> set title "Real part of DFT, sin(x), 103158, Hideyuki Nomura"
 multiplot> set xlabel "Sample number"
 multiplot> set ylabel "DFT"
 multiplot> plot "sin_R.dft" with impulses, "sin_R.dft" with points
 multiplot> set size 1,0,5
 multiplot> set origin 0,0
 multiplot> set yrange [-10:10]
 multiplot> set title "Imaginary part of DFT, sin(x), 103158, Hideyuki Nomura"
 multiplot> set xlabel "Sample number"
 multiplot> set ylabel "DFT"
 multiplot> plot "sin_I.dft" with impulses, "sin_I.dft" with points
 multiplot> unset multiplot
最後のunset terminalでmultiplot環境を抜け出します.
%%%使用ファイル名%%%や%%%描画範囲(xrange, yrange)%%%を適切に設定すること.

* multiplot環境でのグラフの保存 [#pa6c34b0]
 gnuplot> set terminal pngcairo
 gnuplot> set output "sample.png"
を追加し,%%%上の操作の最後のコマンド(unset multiplot)の前%%%に次の1行
 multiplot> unset terminal
 gnuplot> set terminal pngcairo
 gnuplot> set output "sample.png"
 gnuplot> set multiplot
 multiplot> set size 1,0.5
 multiplot> set origin 0,0.5
 multiplot> set key left
 multiplot> set yrange [-10:10]
 multiplot> set title "Real part of DFT, sin(x), 103158, Hideyuki Nomura"
 multiplot> set xlabel "Sample number"
 multiplot> set ylabel "DFT"
 multiplot> plot "sin_R.dft" with impulses, "sin_R.dft" with points
 multiplot> set size 1,0,5
 multiplot> set origin 0,0
 multiplot> set yrange [-10:10]
 multiplot> set title "Imaginary part of DFT, sin(x), 103158, Hideyuki Nomura"
 multiplot> set xlabel "Sample number"
 multiplot> set ylabel "DFT"
 multiplot> plot "sin_I.dft" with impulses, "sin_I.dft" with points
 multiplot> unset terminal
 multiplot> unset multiplot

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