Electro-Acoustics Research Group

音響エレクトロニクス研究室(野村研究室)の概要 |
Introduction to Electro-Acoustics Research Group



キーワード: 音響学,音響工学,音響エレクトロニクス,超音波,非線形音響(特に波形歪み,音響放射圧,音響流),超音波イメージング,超音波応用計測,超音波距離計測,超音波厚み計測,超音波診断装置,非破壊検査,タイムリバーサル,パラメトリックアレイ,パラメトリックスピーカ,超音波ビームベンディング,音響信号処理,音響数値シミュレーション

The research area of our research group is "Electro-Acoustics," which is a fusion of acoustics, acoustic engineering, and electronics. This group deals with audible sound waves that humans can hear and inaudible ultrasound waves, and nonlinear acoustic phenomena.

Recently, we have been studying the nonlinear phenomena of ultrasound, the measurement and imaging techniques based on the wave nature of sound waves, the techniques based on the energetic properties of sound waves, the development of technologies to improve the acoustic environment, and the safety of ultrasound applications. We are conducting theoretical and computer simulations, experiments, designs, and device prototypes.

Keywords: Acoustics, Acoustical Engineering, Electro-Acoustics, Ultrasonics, Nonlinear Acoustics (especially waveform distortion, acoustic radiation pressure, acoustic streaming), Ultrasonic Imaging, Ultrasonic Applied Measurement, Ultrasonic Distance Measurement, Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement, Ultrasonic Diagnostic Equipment, Nondestructive Testing, Time Reversal, Parametric Acoustic Array, Parametric Loudspeaker, Ultrasonic Beam Bending, Acoustic Signal Processing, Numerical Acoustics

  • 研究内容の詳細についてはこちらをご覧ください.
  • 卒業研究配属関連・面談についてはこちらをご覧ください.
  • 学内からの進学はもちろん,学外からの大学院進学も歓迎します.興味のある方は気軽にご連絡ください.また、大学院入試情報はこちらを御覧ください.

連絡先 | Contact

大学院情報理工学研究科 情報・ネットワーク工学専攻
182-8585 東京都調布市調布ヶ丘1-5-1
西2号館 527号室(野村居室),529号室(学生居室),530号室(実験室),525号室(実験室)
E-mail: h.nomura(at)uec.ac.jp

Department of Computer and Network Engineering,
Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering,
The University of Electro-Communications
1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
E-mail: h.nomura(at)uec.ac.jp

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Last-modified: 2022-08-25 (木) 17:36:47